Strange Passion

                                 Dr. Annie John

The little bird ached with bleeding wings
Flapping violently at the bars sought escape
But when it was time to fly away....
She had fallen in Love with the Cage.

The tall prison walls, prevented him a view outside
Defeated, struggled hard to break through
But when he gained his freedom....
He had fallen in Love with the Wall's solidarity.

The plants hated him and his scissors
He trimmed them to discipline their unruliness
But when it was time adorn someone's garden....
They had fallen in Love with Gardner.

The water vapor locked up in the pregnant cloud
Suffocated, Sought release 
But by the time cloud burst....
She had fallen in Love with the Sky.

Rejection, Isolation and Solitude killed her instinct to live
Died a million times every moment
But when proved innocent....
She had already fallen in Love with Loneliness.

Lying on his death bed, Suffering excruciating pain
Implored earnestly to the omnipotent
But when granted life....
He had already fallen in Love with Death.


  1. Truly mesmerized by the thought... And the contradictory elements which you have used mam... Amazing n beautifully presented.. Congratulations


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