Mikhail Bakhtin’s Dialogism and Intertextuality: A Perspective
Mikhail Bakhtin’s Dialogism and Intertextuality: A Perspective Author : Prof. Panchappa R. Waghmare A.R. Burla Mahila Varishta Mahavidyalaya, Solapur INTRODUCTION : The upsurge of current literary theory has become something of significant phenomenon in contemporary literature, emerging as formidable force in interdisciplinary subjects. Dialogic criticism proposed by Mikhail Bakhtin is one of the new perspectives to study literary work. To Bakhtin, text is not a self contained organism and the language represented in text is not alien entity, instead a site for dialogic interaction of multiple voices or modes of discourse. This research paper briefly attempts to introduce dialogic criticism and its theoretical concepts like polyphony, heteroglossia and their relation to literary work. It also concentrates on the theory of dialogism in relation to the notion of ...