
Showing posts from 2017

Mikhail Bakhtin’s Dialogism and Intertextuality: A Perspective

Mikhail Bakhtin’s Dialogism and Intertextuality:   A Perspective  Author : Prof. Panchappa R. Waghmare   A.R. Burla Mahila Varishta Mahavidyalaya, Solapur  INTRODUCTION :                   The upsurge of current literary theory has become something of significant phenomenon in contemporary literature, emerging as formidable force in interdisciplinary subjects. Dialogic criticism proposed by Mikhail Bakhtin is one of the new perspectives to study literary work. To Bakhtin, text is not a self contained organism and the language represented in text is not alien entity, instead a site for dialogic interaction of multiple voices or modes of discourse. This research paper briefly attempts to introduce dialogic criticism and its theoretical concepts like polyphony, heteroglossia and their relation to literary work. It also concentrates on the theory of dialogism in relation to the notion of ...


DIASPORA: WRITING FROM THE MARGINS Dr. Annie John (Asso. Prof.  & Head Dept. of English, A. R. Burla Womens’ College, Solapur.) Abstract: Diasporic writings occupy a note worthy position in literature.  It helps construct new, identities in addition to the quest for one’s roots.  Travel, dislocation, quest for identity, a voyage down memory’s lane etc form the theme of the writings.  It is said that diasporic writers are people who live on the margin of two countries and unable to find the centre write from the periphery. The aim of the present paper is to investigate the diasporic tendencies and to trace the diasporic features. The term ‘ Diaspora’ literally means ‘to be scattered’ . Other words which carry similar shades of meaning are  expatriate, exile, refugee, immigrant etc. The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary defines the term 'Diaspora' as:   The movement of the Jewish people away from their own coun...


TEARS Dr.Annie John Tears are virtuous They speak the language of love There is immense power in tears Speaking the universal tongue They run errands..... Carry a thousand messages Tears do what tongues fail They begin when words stop Healing the heart and soothing the soul They flow miles ahead  Binding a relationship..... Set the seal of permanence Tears flow incessant when overwhelmed with pain Dumbfold and at a loss of things Fail to cease The crystal clear tears.... Makes its way through realms of grief There is a serenity in tears An offering of divinity placed at the altar of love Express the said and the known And in times of silent solitude.... Speaks volumes about the unsaid